Foxby Court

  • Foxby Court
    Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough, DN21 1QREmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Foxby Court is a provider of care near Gainsborough and provides a list of services and facilities listed below if available. This provider has 5 reviews with a rating of 4 out of 5.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Foxby Court
    Review SourceBy:Katina Turton rating
    Jun 16 2016

    My Mum was admitted to this place for respite care. The home manager had been to visit my Mum at home and assessed her needs. They confidently felt that her needs could be easily met. Mum had mid stage Alzheimers. Mum was admitted, she was mobile with the aid of a frame, she was continent, she was able to feed herself and give herself a drink. She was able to have a conversation and loved to interact with others. My Mum was a Nurse for nearly 40 years, caring for older people, she enjoyed the hustle and bustle of busy caring environments. After just over a week in this place, Mum stopped mobilising, this was due to he fact that the easy chairs are so low, anybody who cannot easily stand unaided are simply left sitting, waiting for someone to help them. My Mums voice was frail, she didn't obviously didn't speak loud enough for the staff (I won't call them carers as the majority of them don't have a caring bone in their body) to hear her asking for help to walk to the toilet, or just to simply stand up. Mum's brain soon forgot the mechanical sequence of how to stand. She was moved from easy chair to dining chair to bed in a wheelchair. She never walked again. Mum was a private lady and the many years she had spent maintaining other peoples privacy and dignity stood for nothing. She was not taken to the toilet to maintain her continence, she was simply "changed" at routine times. My Mum knew when she needed to pass urine, she would have been mortified that she had to do it in a pad.Mum soon developex a urine infection, which can cause delerium in older people who don't have Alzheimers. This was left untreated, the effects were catastrophic. Mum stopped eating and drinking - despite the staff reporting that she was eating and drinking and walking aeound ! I was greeted with this information the very second I entered this place on my Mums final day there. I found my Mum sitting at the breakfast table, in a wheelchair, dishevelled, delerious and barely conscious. In front of her was a bowl of cornflakes, with half a slice of toast fkoating in it and two full mugs of cold tea. I took my Mum away from tbe table to take her to her room, we couldn't access the room as the maintainance man was trying to fix the profiling action of the bex that I had asked to be sorted out 5 days before. We sat in tbe quiet area outside Mums room. The hiusekeeper, a domestic and a carer came to me to express their concern about my Mums state over the previous couple of days. My Mum had clear signs of dehydration. I asked if the Dr could be called, they said he would be coming"tomorrow". My Sister immediatly rang for an ambulance. The Paramedics who attended were unable to rouse my Mum, she was taken by emergency ambulance to Lincoln County Hospital where she was diagnosed with severe dehydration, delerium and an e-coli infection in her bladder. My Mum spent from 9/3/16 until 15/05/16 in hospital. She came home for paliative care and passed away on the 12/6/16, as a result.
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    Foxby Court
    Review SourceBy:Linda G rating
    May 20 2015

    On the whole we are very happy with Foxby Court. Any problems that arise are listened to and sorted out. They are very kind and understanding. In 10 years I have never heard a member of staff get cross or impatient with a resident. I can think of no better home in Gainsborough, excellent staff.
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    Foxby Court
    Review SourceBy:Lorraine W rating
    May 13 2015

    We are really happy with the care our relative receives from the staff at Foxby Court. She is so happy in her new environment, she enjoys the activities and especially likes the interesting outings. We would highly recommend Foxby Court to anyone considering a placement for a loved one.
    Original Comment Report...

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    Foxby Court is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Gainsborough. More information
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