Corner Place Surgery

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  • Provider Information
  • Corner Place Surgery is a GP Practice in Paignton and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 42 reviews with a rating of 3 out of 5 and a CQC rating of Good.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • COPD clinic with spirometry
  • Learning disability health check
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  •  Provider Performance
    The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Corner Place Surgery is doing in areas that may be important to you.
    Health MetricDetailIndicator
    Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 491,614 individuals have been screened out of a possible 2,148 eligible people.

    A total of 75.1% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 105 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 641,150 individuals have been screened out of a possible 1,517 eligible people.

    A total of 75.8% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 64 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Overall number of GP appointments10,736 Number of appointments in Aug 2023 from a practice list size of 15,831 patients10,736
    Face to face appointments4,312 Face to Face appointments in Aug 2023 which is 40.2% of the total number of appointments.4,312
    Home Visits178 Home Visits in Aug 2023 which is 1.7% of the total number of appointments.178
    Telephone appointments4,617 Telephone appointments in Aug 2023 which is 43% of the total number of appointments.4,617
    Unknown appointments45 Unknown appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0.4% of the total number of appointments.45
    Video call appointments1,584 Video call appointments in Aug 2023 which is 14.8% of the total number of appointments.1,584

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Corner Place Surgery
    Review SourceBy:John B
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 6 2023

    I was messaged that doctor Kew was going to telephone me between 9am and 2pm Yesterday.For that reason I inconveniently remained at home.She did not ring in the set time.I therefore left the house at 2.45pm.Why did she not keep to the set time? I must add the fact that she has telephoned before.I am partly disabled ,and i was not given the time to get to the phone before she hung up.Also my wife is disabled. All these facts must be in the records,so allowances should be made. John Blamey. 01803 843417

    Corner Place Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 27 2022

    Cornerplace was once one of the best GP practices in the area, unfortunately not anymore, from the telephone waiting times and prior palming off messages to even being offered an appointment with an actual real doctor has steadily but rapidly become worse. There’s no consistency in care, as it seems the Dr’s would also prefer to go somewhere else. If you’re lucky enough to jump through the hoops and receive a diagnosis via the reception staff or zoom call which is highly unlikely, it’s like winning the lottery only to get to the payout office (prescriptions) to be told it hasn’t been sent through, they’re out of stock, or it hasn’t been added to the list of winners… then begins the relay race of chasing your prescription, firstly phoning and waiting in the “you’re in position 129 in queue” only be told we only open this line between X o’clock and Y o’clock and you’ve missed it, to then phone back in “prescribed” times (which are surprisingly accurate) repeatedly, to then hand the baton to the email department and to send an email, and again and again, by which time you now need blood pressure medication due to the stress of contacting your gp surgury. I want to continue on to handing the baton to the front desk staff, who then may or more than likely not request another (or original) prescription from the doctor, but I don’t want to induce a panick attack or stroke, needless to say this place is a shambles beyond relief. I rarely leave feedback for negative experiences but feel, as many others have, that someone in management needs to rescue Cornerplace before it’s forcibly closed. It would be a great shame to lose a once great place, my suggestion would be to close it down, recruit totally new staff from top to bottom and start afresh, unfortunately these “old dogs” can’t learn new tricks and remain on top of the game.

    Corner Place Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 22 2022

    Used to be a great place now a shambles can't see a doctor run like a call centre receptionists want to your reason for seeing a doctor I thought we had patient confidentiality but not anymore time this place was shut for good

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