Ardsley House & Cottage

  • Ardsley House & Cottage
    55a Royston Hill, East Ardsley, Wakefield, WF3 2HNEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Ardsley House offers a warm and homely environment which supports 13 people with learning disabilities. We encourage and support everyone to make their own choices about the support that they receive. Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of all the individuals we support. The staff team at Ardsley House are committed on building positive outcomes for everyone.

    Ardsley House is situated on the border of Leeds and Wakefield with plenty of accessible public transport& close to& the home; there& are also lots of local amenities nearby. Ardsley House is a large home set back from the main road& and overlooks a wide view of the countryside. There is a large lawn and a patio area where people can& enjoy barbeques, ten pin bowling or just sit and relax.

    Ardsley House offers a wide range of activities both within home and out in the community. Individuals are encouraged to become involved and to plan activities of their choosing. Ardsley House has an onsite day centre. We have the WEA coming to support the service with a range of activities including arts and crafts and gardening club. Outside in the community activities include local coffee mornings, bowling, cinema, carriage riding, swimming, adapted bike riding, Shopping and meals out. Ardsley House aims to meet the requirements of everyone that we support.

    If people choose to stay& indoors, Ardsley House offers a wide range of activities including board games, arts& and crafts and bingo which encourages the individual to learn their numeric skills, Hangman is also popular pastime again this encourages word definition and spelling. The staff team at Ardsley House work with individuals to achieve realistic goals that are achievable to the person. Outside college courses are becoming popular with individuals gaining new skills and qualifications. The onsite day centre kitchen has been refurbished this has opened a new skill for individuals.

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  • Care Home Services

    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Wakefield.

    Ardsley House & Cottage is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Wakefield. More information
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