Capel St Mary

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  • Capel St Mary is a GP Practice in Ipswich and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 9 reviews with a rating of 2.1 out of 5.

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    Capel St Mary
    Review SourceBy:Capel S
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 19 2019

    I am not one to attend the doctors surgery very often, after trying to obtain an appointment for my son last week, it appears that yet again they have changed the system. You can no longer book an appointment at 8am (not that you ever managed to get through until 0815 - and then there were no appointments left), it appears now that you ring, tell the receptionist what is wrong with you and then you receive a call back from a doctor (ok if your hearing is 100% - what about those who tend not to use the phone for this reason), after being told that a doctor will ring you back within a certain amount of time, the call doesn't arrive, so be prepared to ring again. Even the pharmacy is now a mess, with one member of staff trying to give me my son's medication as opposed to my husbands and that was after she asked me twice for the name! The pharmacist who used to be there was absolutely brilliant, went to him before going to the doctor! Now there are more staff in the pharmacy than before and it just looks like organised chaos. I have been ringing around this morning to change doctors surgery as I have no confidence in this surgery any longer and it will only get worse with more houses being built and more families joining
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Capel St Mary
    Mon, 22 Jul 2019 10:29:21 +0100

    Thank you for your comments. We last changed our appointment system several years ago and are now proposing to revise it to improve patient access and enable to practice to operate more efficiently. We have been trialing a new system on Tuesdays and have received a very positive response so far. The new system works well at many other practices across Suffolk and nationally, and full details can be found on our website. You are also welcome to attend one of our two open events next week (details on our web site). The new system will enable patients to initially speak to a doctor the same day and then be seen by that doctor the same day if necessary. Generally, between 25 and 30% of patients need to be seen in person so this saves patients from the inconvenience of having to take time off work or travel to the practice unnecessarily. It also means our doctors can attend to more patients each day. For the system to work there are no pre-bookable appointments, but the doctor will try speak to or see the patient at a convenient time. Of course we recognise that this system will not work for every patient and there will be exceptions. Patients with hearing difficulties are one example. We have been seeking feedback before the launch of the new System on 2nd September to ensure we understand patient concerns and are able to satisfactorily address them. We appreciate your comments. With regard to the pharmacy at Capel, please note that this is a separate business with no direct connection to the practice. Any comments should therefore be directed to the pharmacy.

    Capel St Mary
    Review SourceBy:Capel S
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 27 2019

    Nurses and reception staff are excellent but the Drs are awful (except for one who has now left)
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Capel St Mary
    Mon, 01 Apr 2019 10:57:47 +0100

    Thank you for your comment and for your praise of our reception and nurse teams. We have five experienced doctors at the practice and we aim to be flexible and enable patients to book with a doctor of their choice whenever possible. All our doctors value feedback and, as a practice, we are continually looking to improve the service we provide to our patients. If you have experienced an issue with any member of staff we would like to understand more about it and would appreciate the opportunity to investigate what happened and provide a response. We find that the majority of issues which arise are simple misunderstandings. However, where the issue is more serious and is a result of either the action of an individual or the way we operate the practice, we will do what we can to learn from the incident and put in place necessary improvements to ensure similar issues do not arise in the future. Please contact the practice manager who will be happy to discuss your experience with you.

    Capel St Mary
    Review SourceBy:Capel S
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 26 2018

    I rang the surgery at 8.05 this morning, got through after 3-4min and was offered a choice of appointments in Capel or E Bergholt. After a short wait in the surgery I saw a GP who welcomed me, asked me to explain my symptoms and gave me a diagnosis and treatment plan. He also explained what would happen if treatment follow-up was needed. My prescription was dispensed in the surgery and the Pharmacy staff were helpful and professional. The whole process was convenient and efficient. There has been much criticism of this practice in the village and I feel it is necessary to give some positive feedback to provide balance.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Capel St Mary
    Mon, 30 Jul 2018 13:15:37 +0100

    Thank you for your feedback, which is greatly appreciated. We have changed our appointment system and phone system over the last year to improve patient access. New doctors also joined us this year and our clinical pharmacist helps ensure medication requests are processed quickly and accurately. We are glad you have experienced a good service which we believe is as a result of the changes we have made.

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    Capel St Mary, 36 The Street, Capel St. Mary, Ipswich, IP9 2EE

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