Flatt Walks Surgery

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  • Flatt Walks Surgery is a GP Practice in Whitehaven and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 9 reviews with a rating of 2.2 out of 5.

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  •  Patient Reviews

    Flatt Walks Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 23 2019

    Have been attending this practice on and off since October 2018 for an ongoing issue and I am at the end of my tether now. The service has been amateurish through out, save a few exceptions from some very professional people. I have had to follow up every single thing myself to ensure things actually happen and unforgivable administrative errors have occurred including referrals for treatment sitting on desks for weeks, and the issue only being identified when I have chased it via the NHS department I was supposed to be attending. There was also an incident of a “repeat” blood test not actually testing for what the original blood test was for. There are some very good GP’s at fellview and some of the administrative/reception staff are very very helpful and good at dealing with anxious or upset customers. Obviously the opposite is true as well, and some are very poor. It’s also a good practice in that you can attend any of 4 survery’s if there are no appointments at your normal surgery, very useful if you can drive. Understand the pressure GP’s are under at the minute and the closing of the Catherine Street Surgery will not have helped, but I feel an honest review is the only way to improve things.
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    Flatt Walks Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 7 2019

    Haven't been able to get an appointment now for 3 days. Had pain getting worse but now wanted to see a doctor. What is the point in having a doctor's if you can never get an appointment. Looking into switching doctors. No wonder people end up at hospital with conditions that do not require it. Terrible medical practise.
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    Flatt Walks Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 14 2018

    Getting an appointment borders on the impossible. Managed to get to visit the doctor who provided medication for a month on the grounds that I should see them in three weeks time to confirm the efficacy and whether repeat prescriptions would be required. Came out of the doctors surgery and asked at reception for an appointment to see the doctor in three weeks. The response from reception was that appointments for three weeks ahead were not available as the appointments are only available for the next two diary weeks and that I should ring back in a week. Rang back in a week only to find that there were no appointments available and that the only way to get an appointment was to ring on the morning of the day you wanted but then you weren't guaranteed to see the same doctor who had asked for me to see me. This is a crazy situation as when a doctor asks to see you in a number of weeks you can't make an appointment to see them. In these days of electronic management it should be automatic that when the doctor says he wants to see you in a specified time the appointment is automatic. I've never been impressed with the way appointments are handled since Fellview Healthcare took over.
    Original Comment Report...

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